Today’s business environment is centered around improving efficiency and saving time and costs within processing facilities. The main challenge is the definition of an acceptable business case, be it for optimization of existing productions or for investments in new processes.

NIZO facilitates R&D trajectories within production companies throughout varying stages of technical readiness using in-house processing experts and Europe’s largest independent food-grade pilot plant. 


Process and product design

Process and Product Design & Optimization

To optimize process and product design, the main challenge is in understanding the underlying product-process interactions. This understanding allows for an effective and structured approach in terms of aimed experimentation, model predictions and continuous validation and optimization. Our experts can support your R&D and operations teams in both process development and optimization. In addition, we offer extensive lab and pilot capabilities. We also apply this to facilitate the increased challenges in product development and improvement, due to more elaborate consumer demands. Besides good tasting, current product standards also include health aspects, caloric value and sustainability. We have an extensive track record of product development trajectories, focussing on plant based ingredients and health substantiation among others. 

Trials/validation and scaling-up

Getting from small scale trials and experiments to full-scale production can be quite a challenge. Lab conditions can differ greatly from actual production in terms of the conditions affecting the product (e.g. temperature distributions and pressure). To ensure a successful scale-up trajectory, NIZO offers varying tools in terms of multi-scale equipment for validation, and modelling for experimental design and process dimensioning. One such an example in production is heat treatment. To ensure a safe product with adequate shelf-life, heat treatment is the most reliable and most validated method. To tailor this to your situation, our experts on microbial inactivation and process-product interactions evaluate your process using in-house modelling tools. For validation, we have a large range of heat treatment equipment available, both on pilot scale from 100-10.000 L/h, and on lab scale from microliters to litres. 

In addition,  after you finish your product and process design we can offer support in getting your product to market successfully. We are experienced in setting up clinical trials and consumer test. Additionally, we have an in-house testing panel with specially selected and trained tasters. At NIZO hands-on experience, combined with extensive laboratory and pilot scale facilities as well as practical modelling tools and expert input, have been applied extensively for the industry to assist with: 

  • Development and implementation of new processes 
  • Optimization of existing processes 
  • Troubleshooting 
  • New or adjusted product formulations 
Any questions?

Ben van der Deen is happy to answer all your questions.

Mail Ben