The global dairy industry is dynamic and milk prices unpredictable. Smart dairy companies insulate their business by creating added value through innovation. Both protein and fermentation are booming in appeal to consumers and according to the headlines “fat is back”. Dairy consumer goods are well-positioned to capitalise on these drivers toward products with a clean and healthy appeal. At the same time, a strong market segment for ultimate indulgence is growing in chilled dairy. The winners will be dairy companies with strong brands in health and indulgence. Price pressure on commodity milk will drive further innovation in the dairy ingredient sector as companies chase the high-margin product groups.

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When processed correctly, dairy proteins set the functional standard for other proteins to match. Dairy-derived carbohydrates are also well-positioned for their demonstrated prebiotic benefits. Ingredients will continue to become more specifically targeted to deliver in-product performance. NIZO delivers solutions that work to help you succeed in the competitive dairy sector. Our health and nutrition expertise, built on unique in silico, in vitro and in vivo models, supports companies working toward healthier products with or without an explicit claim. We combine world-class understanding of dairy protein functionality with practical understanding of product requirements for optimal ingredients. Our processing and safety teams have unparalleled experience in troubleshooting and improving factory efficiency. We’ve been at the forefront of dairy science since 1948 and we’re not stopping any time soon!

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