In corporation with Brave New Food, we are looking for promising companies that we can help to create innovative plant-based ingredients and products in our advanced facilities. Are you a food innovator, startup or scale-up with the solution? Upload your pitch to get in touch with us! The deadline is Tuesday November 22nd – 5PM CET.

inside food-grade pilot plan

We are looking for

With our many years of experience and broad know-how we can support start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs to scale up lab research to a larger scale. For this challenge we are looking for promising companies that we can help to create innovative plant-based ingredients and products in our advanced facilities. In particular, we are looking for start-ups/scale-ups who are interested in developing new ingredients/products in our food-grade pilot plant by using our 0,5L, 2,0L, 30L, 600L and 4000L fermentors and further down-stream processing (DSP).

What we are not looking for

We are not looking for startups that are only in an early stage/ idea-fase. The intention of  this challenge is to help companies to scale up their lab research to a larger scale. A good starting point for this challenge is a technological readiness level of 3, which includes at least an experimental proof of concept.

What we offer

With this challenge we intend to help three most promising initiatives to further develop their plant-based product. We will discuss the current challenges you are facing and create a road-map to plan, visualize and share your business potential. This is a great instrument to help gain the confidence of potential investors and partners.

Furthermore, we offer:

  • Research on lab scale 0,5L 2,0L and 40 L Fermentor
  • Develop and produce food grade on pilot and semi industrial scale (600l, 4000l)
  • Production of GMOs up to 30 liter scale
  • Extensive down-stream processing possibilities
  • Start a collaboration and/or partnership agreement with NIZO
  • Worldwide network in the food sector from start-ups , SMEs to corporates

Conditions for participation

Participation is open for start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs, with an innovative product and/or technology. 

How does it work?

  • Send in a short and concise pitch deck with your solution
  • As soon as you have uploaded your pitch, you will receive a confirmation so that you know that we have received your pitch.
  • Your pitch is only visible to us
  • After the deadline, we will assess all pitches individually and invite the companies with the most interesting solutions for a 1:1 conversation to get to know each other and look for opportunities to collaborate

Your pitch

Send in a short and concise pitch deck of your solution (max 4 pages / 12 slides) with description of the following two parts: 

  • A description of your product or solution. Give a short description of your product or solution, as detailed and visual as possible. In which phase is the solution?
  • A description of your company & team. How and when was your company founded? In which phase are you? How many people? In which market are you active? Also a short description of the (managing) team.

The pitch may be submitted in free form (presentation / slide deck, letter form), but must be uploaded as a PDF file (landscape or portrait A4 – max. 30MB). Videos, example websites, etc. can be included as a link. Dutch and English pitches are allowed.


  • November 22 at 17.00 CET: Deadline challenge
  • November 23 – December 12: Selection period 
  • December 12 – December 16: Announcements selection & invites for 1:1 conversations
  • December/ January: 1:1 conversations 
  • Q1/Q2 2022 onwards: Discuss and start collaboration

Terms & conditions

  • Participation is open for startups, scale-ups, SMEs, grown-ups, innovators and scientists with an innovative product and/or technology.
  • You will remain the owner of your intellectual rights, concept or solution in your pitch, until you agree otherwise.
  • Be aware of the fact that your pitch (and concepts and ideas in it) will be viewed and be shared with (internal) stakeholders. Keep IP sensitive unique (technical) details out of your pitch, keep it a secret that you can share later.
  • We strongly advise you to document everything you share with others and mention that information provided is confidential and intellectual property rights remain with you/ your company until agreed otherwise.
  • Download Terms & Conditions

More information about working with NIZO as a food startup? Read here.

Any questions?

Ben van der Deen is happy to answer all your questions.

More about Ben