Do you want to avoid CAPEX and allow fast market introductions? Are you looking for a co-manufacturing partner? How do you find the right one? You first need to properly understand where you are in the product’s development cycle and what you need from contract manufacturing. Then you can start benchmarking prospective partners. Which criteria do they have to full fill? Are there any tips or tricks? These questions and more will be answered during the webcast of NIZO.

The food industry moves fast, with a consistently high demand for new ingredients, new food products and new, optimised production processes. To be successful, any innovation still has to taste, look, feel and smell right. However, it also needs to get to market at the right time and at the right price. Carrying out your product and process development in a food-grade contract manufacturing facility means every prototype can be immediately taste tested which further reduces your time to market.

In this webcast, you will learn how to get the best results by choosing and working with the right contract manufacturing partner. The webcast covers:

  • 7 crucial criteria selecting the right co-manufacturing partner
  • 3 tips from an expert
  • 3 cases from industry

Look behind the scenes of a Contract Manufacturing partner (NIZO) with the largest food-grade pilot plant in Europe that is open to external companies and walk away with the crucial criteria of finding the right CM partner. Enjoy the webcast!

Our videos

How to find the right co-manufacturing partner?

The food industry moves fast, with a consistently high demand for new ingredients, new food products and new, optimised production processes. To be successful, any innovation still has to taste, look, feel and smell right. But it also needs to get to market at the right time and the right price. That dynamism makes it impossible for one company to have all the facilities, resources and expertise in house to develop, produce and package new food innovations. The video explains about possibilities to cover these challenges and will explain more into depth about co manufacturing.

NIZO Dairy Webcast Series: Food Safety

Any questions?

Ben van der Deen is happy to answer all your questions.

More about Ben