In our team of highly-qualified scientists, experts, operators and business development managers we are continuously looking for new ways of improving and developing our customers’ products and processes.

We see opportunities in every challenge, working closely together with our customers, and continuously try to improve our collaboration. Our passion is accelerating innovations together with our customers, applying our combined expertise in bacteria, proteins and processing.

Our team respects and trusts his colleagues and by giving and receiving feedback we improve our way of working together. It helps us to deliver what we promise. We understand the markets in which we operate and know what our unique value is, and we will convert these into successful opportunities for NIZO and our customers. We share our expertise with each other, thereby enabling others to be successful too.

Commercial team

Nikolaas Vles
Nikolaas Vles
Chief Executive Officer linkedin
Fred van de Velde
Fred van de Velde
CSO and Expertise Group Leader Protein Functionality linkedin
René Floris
René Floris
Chief Innovation Officer linkedin
Robyn Eijlander
Robyn Eijlander
Program Manager Cellular Agriculture and Science Innovation Manager linkedin
Nel Zoon
Nel Zoon
Senior scientific advisor
Ioana Iorga
Ioana Iorga
Head of Sales and Business Development Manager linkedin
Ben van der Deen
Ben van der Deen
Business Development Manager linkedin
Martin Ham
Martin Ham
Business Development Manager linkedin
Rudy Simons
Rudy Simons
Business Development Manager linkedin
Leonie Raamsdonk
Leonie Raamsdonk
Business Development Manager linkedin
Celine Brattinga
Celine Brattinga
Marketing & Communications Manager linkedin
Hang Nguyen
Hang Nguyen
Markering & Communications Manager linkedin

Expertise leaders

Jochen Effey
Jochen Effey
Site Manager linkedin
Hannah Blitzblau
Hannah Blitzblau
Chief Contract Research Officer linkedin
Marjon Wells-Bennik
Marjon Wells-Bennik
Principal Scientist Food Safety linkedin
Els de Hoog
Els de Hoog
Segment Lead for team Flavour, Texture and Application linkedin
Wim Engels
Wim Engels
Senior Project Manager Fermentation & Microbiology linkedin
Herwig Bachmann
Herwig Bachmann
Principal Scientist Microbiology and Fermentation linkedin
Renske Janssen
Renske Janssen
Project Manager Protein Technology linkedin
Peter de Jong
Peter de Jong
Principal Scientist Processing linkedin
Luanga Nchari
Luanga Nchari
Senior Scientist Processing linkedin
Hans Tromp
Hans Tromp
Senior Scientist Protein Functionality linkedin
Kevin van Koerten
Kevin van Koerten
Segment Lead for team Protein and Processing linkedin
Emma Teuling
Emma Teuling
Project Manager Protein Functionality linkedin
Wilma Wesselink
Wilma Wesselink
Senior Project Manager Food linkedin
Saskia de Jong
Saskia de Jong
Scientist Protein Functionality linkedin
Guus Kortman
Guus Kortman
Scientist and Senior Project Manager Microbiomics linkedin
Kerensa Broersen
Kerensa Broersen
Senior Project Manager Food Digestion and Analytics linkedin
Petra Scholtens
Petra Scholtens
Senior project manager and PMO linkedin
Jolanda Lambert
Jolanda Lambert
Segment Lead for team Health and Nutrition linkedin
Anneloes Groenenboom
Anneloes Groenenboom
Project Manager Microbiology linkedin
Karin Beekmann
Karin Beekmann
Segment Lead for team Microbiology and Fermentation linkedin
Steven Cornet
Steven Cornet
Project Manager Protein Technology linkedin
Wessel Vlug
Wessel Vlug
Project Manager Food linkedin
Durita Allersma
Durita Allersma
Project Manager Processing linkedin
Margreet Rippen
Margreet Rippen
Project Manager Sensory Research linkedin
Guido Staring
Guido Staring
Scientist Advanced Analytics linkedin
Patrick Janssen
Patrick Janssen
Scientist Fermentation linkedin
Eric Hester
Eric Hester
Senior Scientist Bioinformatics linkedin
Gabriele Gross
Gabriele Gross
Principal Scientist Health & Microbiology linkedin
Nicolas Vecchini Santaella
Nicolas Vecchini Santaella
Vecchini Santaella, linkedin

Finance and Human Resources

Jan Dick van der Nol
Jan Dick van der Nol
CFO linkedin
Loek Nederstigt
Loek Nederstigt
HR Manager linkedin